Talking Visual Studio ALM Extensibility at DevSum16

Last year I had a great time speaking at the DevSum conference, the biggest .NET developer conference in Sweden. Back then, I talked about moving your development to the cloud using Visual Studio Team Services. Active Solution, where I work, was a gold partner for this event and in addition to me my colleagues Alan Smith and Peter Örneholm also spoke at the conference. We had a lot of fun in our booth showing the Lego robots running on Raspberry PIs, connected to Azure for movement control and result collection.

This year I had the fortune to be selected again to speak at DevSum16, and this time I will talk about the different options around integration and extensibility of the Visual Studio ALM platform. This means that I will talk about things like Service Hooks, OAuth, REST API and UI extensibility among other things.


Here is the session description (, hope to see you there!

Don’t be locked in – Integrate and Extend the Visual Studio ALM Platform

The days when you used one tool chain for all your development are long gone. Developing modern applications today often requires a variety of tools, both 3rd party tools and services

but also homegrown systems are often used as part of the process. In the new era of Microsoft the term “Open ALM” is key, focusing on trying to build best in breed tools for software development companies, but at the same time make sure that it is open and extensible.


In this session we will look at the different options for integrating and extending Visual Studio TFS and Team Services. We will look at:

  • Using Service Hooks to automate workflows with other services such as Trello, GitHub and Jenkins.
  • Utilizing the REST API to automate processes in TFS
  • Extending the Web UI itself with custom extensions, from simple context menus to full-fledged custom pages and hubs. We will also look at how we can publish these extensions
    to the new Visual Studio Marketplace

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