Getting started with Windows Containers in Azure Kubernetes Service

Many of us have eagerly been waiting for the announcement that Microsoft made at the Build 2019 conference, Windows Containers is now in public preview in Azure Kubernetes Service! Yes, it’s in preview so we still have to wait before putting applications into production but it is definitely time to start planning and testing migrations of your Windows applications to AKS, such as full .NET Framework apps.

Containers on Windows are still not as mature as on Linux of course, but they are fully supported on Windows and it is now GA on Kubernetes since version 1.14.

NB: Read about the current limitations for Windows Server nodes pools and application workloads in AKS here

In this introductory post, I will show how to create a new AKS cluster with a Windows node and then deploy an application to the cluster using Helm.

Enabling AKS Preview Features

If AKS is still in preview when you are reading this, you first need to enable the preview features before you can create a cluster with Windows nodes:

az extension add –name aks-preview

az feature register –name WindowsPreview –namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

The operation will take a while until it is completed, you can check the status by running the following command:

az feature list -o table –query “[?contains(name, ‘Microsoft.ContainerService/WindowsPreview’)].{Name:name,State:properties.state}”

When the registration state is Registered, run the following command to refresh it:

az provider register –namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

Creating an AKS Cluster with Windows nodes

When the registration of the preview feature have been completed, you can go ahead and create a cluster. Here, I’m creating a 1 node cluster since it will only be used for demo purposes. Note that it is currently not possible to create an all Windows node cluster, you have to create at least one Linux node. It is also necessary to use a network policy that uses Azure CNI .

The below command creates a one node cluster with the Azure CNI network policy, and specifies the credentials for the Windows nodesm, should you need to login to these machines. Replace <MY_PASSWORD> with your own strong password.

(Note that the commands below is executed in a Bash shell):

az group create –name k8s –location westeurope

az aks create \
    –resource-group k8s \
    –name k8s \
    –node-count 1 \
    –enable-addons monitoring \
    –kubernetes-version 1.14.0 \
    –generate-ssh-keys \
    –windows-admin-password <MY_PASSWORD> \
    –windows-admin-username azureuser \
    –enable-vmss \
    –network-plugin azure

Now we will add a new node pool that will host our Windows nodes. for that, we use the new az aks nodepool add command. Note the os-type parameter that dictates that this node pool will be used for Windows nodes.

az aks nodepool add \
  –resource-group k8s \
  –cluster-name k8s \
  –os-type Windows \
  –name npwin \
  –node-count 1 \
  –kubernetes-version 1.14.0

When the command has completes, you should see two nodes in your cluster:

kubectl get nodes

NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-nodepool1-15123610-vmss000000   Ready    agent   8d    v1.14.0
aksnpwin000000                      Ready    agent   8d    v1.14.0

Installing Helm

Even though Helm has it’s quirks, I find it very useful for packaging and deploying kubernetes applications. A new major version is currently being worked on, which will (hopefully) remove some of the major issues that exists in the current version of Helm.

Since Helm is not installed in a AKS cluster by default, we need to install it. Start by installing theHelm CLI, follow the instructions here for your platform:

Before deploying Helm, we need to create a service account with proper permissions that will be used by Helms server components, called Tiller. Create the following file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
   name: tiller
   namespace: kube-system

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
   name: tiller
   kind: ClusterRole
   name: cluster-admin
   – kind: ServiceAccount
     name: tiller
     namespace: kube-system

Run the following command to create the service account and the cluster role binding:

kubectl apply –f helm-rbac.yaml

To deploy helm to the AKS cluster, we use the helm init command. To make sure that it ends up on a Linux node, we use the –node-selectors parameter:

helm init –service-account tiller –node-selectors “”

Running helm list should just return an empty list of releases, to make sure that Helm is working properly.

Deploy an Application

Now we have an AKS cluster up and running with Helm installed, let’s deploy an application. I will once again use the QuizBox  application that me and Mathias Olausson developed for demos at conferences and workshops. To simplify the process, I have pushed the necessary images to DockerHub which means you can deploy them directly to your cluster to try this out.

The source code for the Helm chart and the application is available here:

Let’s look at the interesting parts in the Helm chart. First up is the deployment of the web application. Since we are using Helm charts, we will pick the values from a separate values.yaml file at deployment time, and refer to them using the {{expression}} format.

Note also that we using the nodeSelector property here to specify that the pod should be deployed to a Windows node.


apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
   name: frontend
   replicas: {{ .Values.frontend.replicas }}
         app: qbox
         tier: frontend
       – name: frontend
         image: “{{ .Values.frontend.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.frontend.image.tag }}”
         – containerPort: {{ .Values.frontend.containerPort }}
         “”: windows

The deployment file for the backend API is pretty much identical:


apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
   name: backend
   replicas: {{ .Values.backend.replicas }}
         tier: backend
       – name: backend
         image: “{{ .Values.backend.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.backend.image.tag }}”
         – containerPort: {{ .Values.backend.containerPort }}
         “”: windows 

Finally, we have the database. Here I am using SQL Server Express on Linux, mainly because there is no officially supported Docker image from Microsoft that will run on Windows Server 2019 (which is required by AKS, since it’s running Windows nodes on Windows Server 2019).

But this also hightlights a very interesting and powerful feature of Kubernetes and AKS, the ability to mix Windows and Linux nodes in the same cluster and even within the same applications! This means that the whole ecosystem of Linux container images is available for Windows developers as well.


apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
   name: db
   replicas: {{ .Values.db.replicas }}
         tier: db
       – name: db
         image: “{{ .Values.db.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.db.image.tag }}”
         – containerPort: {{ .Values.db.containerPort }}  
         – name: ACCEPT_EULA
           value: “Y”
         – name: SA_PASSWORD
               name: db-storage
               key: password
         “”: linux 

To deploy the application, navigate to the root directory of the helm chart (where the Values.yaml file is located) and run:

helm upgrade –install quizbox . –values .\values.yaml

This will build and deploy the Helm chart and name the release “quizbox”. Running helm status quizbox shows the status of the deployment:

helm status quizbox

LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jun 28 14:52:15 2019
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1beta1/Deployment
backend   1        1        1           0          9s
db        1        1        1           1          9s
frontend  1        1        1           0          9s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                      READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
backend-69fd59c947-77tm4  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         9s
db-74dfcdcbff-79zsp       1/1    Running            0         9s
frontend-89d4b5b4b-rqw4q  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         9s

==> v1/Secret
db-storage  Opaque  1     10s

==> v1/Service
qboxdb    ClusterIP  <none>       1433/TCP      9s
frontend  LoadBalancer   <pending>    80:32608/TCP  9s
qboxapi   ClusterIP   <none>       80/TCP        9s

Helm chart for QuizBox deployed successfully!

Wait until the status of all pods are Running and until you see an EXTERNAL-IP address for the frontend service:


Open a browser and navigate to the exernal IP address, in a few seconds you should see the QuizBox application running:


This was a very simple walkthrough on how to get started with Windows applications on Azure Kubernetes Service. Hope you found it useful, and stay tuned for more blog posts on AKS and Windows in the near future!

Running Windows Container Build Agents for Azure Pipelines

In a previous post I talked about how to create a build environment, including an Azure DevOps build agent, using Docker and Windows Containers. Using Dockerfiles, we can specify everything that we need in order to build and test our projects. Docker gives us Infrastructure as Code (no more snowflake build servers) and isolation which makes it easy to spin up multiple agents quickly on one or more machines without interfering with each other.

What I didn’t talk about in that post is to actually depoy and run the Windows containers in a production environment. I showed how to start the agent using docker run, but for running build agents for production workloads, you need something more stable and maintainable. There are also some additional aspects that you will need to handle when running build agents in containers.

For hosting and orchestrating Windows containers there are a few different options:

  • Using Docker Compose
  • Docker Swarm
  • Kubernetes (which recently announced General Availability for running Windows Containers)

In this post I will show how to use Docker Compose to run the builds agents. In an upcoming post, I will use Azure Kubernetes services to run Windows container builds agents on multiple machines in the cloud (Support for Windows containers is currently in preview:

In addition to selecting the container hosting, there are some details that we want to get right:

  • Externalize build agent working directory
    We want to make sure that the working directory of the build agents is mapped to outside of the container. Otherwise we will loose all state when an agent is restarted, making all subsequent builds slower

  • Enable “Docker in docker”
    Of course we want our build agent to be able to build Dockerfiles. While it is technically possible to install and run Docker engine inside a Docker container, it is not recommended. Instead, we install the Docker CLI in the container and use Named Pipes to bind the Docker API from the host. That means that all containers running on the host will share the same Docker engine. An advantage of this is that they will all benefit from the Docker image and build cache, improving build times overall, and reducing the amount of disk space needed

  • Identity
    When accessing resources outside the container, the build agent will almost always need to authenticate against that resource. This could be for example a custom NuGet feed, or a network share. A Windows container can’t be domain joined, but we can use group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) which is a special type of service account introduced in Windows Server 2012 designed to allow multiple computers to share an identity without needing to know its password.

    You can follow this post from Microsoft on how to create and use group Managed Service Accounts for Windows containers:

    This post assumes that you have created a gMSA called msa_BuildAgent .

Docker Compose

Docker compose makes it easy to start and stop multiple containers on a single host. All information is defined in a docker-compose.yml file, and then we can start everything using a simple docker-compose up command, and then docker-compose down to stop all containers, tearing down networks and so on.

We need to send in multiple parameters when starting the build agent containers, and to avoid making the docker-compose file too complex, we can extract all parameters to an external file. This also makes it easy to tokenize it when we run this from an automated process.


version: ‘2.4’
     image: ${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
       – type: npipe
         source: \\.\pipe\docker_engine
         target: \\.\pipe\docker_engine       
       – type: bind
         source: d:\w\${WORKFOLDERNAME}1
         target: c:\setup\_work
     env_file: .env
     restart: always
     image: ${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
       – type: npipe
         source: \\.\pipe\docker_engine
         target: \\.\pipe\docker_engine       
       – type: bind      
         source: d:\w\${WORKFOLDERNAME}2
         target: c:\agent\_work
     env_file: .env
     restart: always           

As you can see, this file defines two containers (agent1 and agent2), you can easily add more here if you want to.

Some comments on this file:

  • To enable “Docker in Docker”, we use the volume mapping of type npipe, which stands for named pipes. This binds to the Docker API running on the host
  • An addition volume is defined that maps c:\agent\_work to the defined path on the container host
  • We specify restart: always to make sure that these containers are restarted in case the build server is restarted

All values for the variables will be taken from an environment file (the env_file argument), that looks like this:

.env (env_file)


This file is placed in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml file.

Most of these parameters were covered in the previous post, the new ones here though are:

    This is the path on the container host where the working directory should be mapped to. Internally in the container, the work directory in the agent is set to c:\agent\_work

    This is the name of the credential specification file that you created if you followed the post that I linked to above, when creating the group Managed Service Account. That file is placed in the c:\ProgramData\Docker\CredentialSpec folder on your host

To start these build agents you simply run the following command in the same directory where you places the docker-compose.yml and the .env files:

docker-compose up –d

When you run this command, you will see something like:

Creating network “build_default” with the default driver
Creating build_agent1_1 …
Creating build_agent2_1 …
Creating build_agent1_1 … done
Creating build_agent2_1 … done

To stop all the containers, including tearing down the network that was created you run :

docker-compose down

Automating the process

The process of deploying and updating builds agent containers on a server should of course be automated. So we need something that runs on our build servers that can pull the build agent container images from a container registry, and then start the agents on that machine.

One way to do this with Azure DevOps is to use Deployment Groups, which let you run deployments on multiple machines either sequentially or in parallell. 

Here is an image that shows what this could look like:


Here I have two build servers running Windows Server 2019 Core. The only things that are installed on these servers are Docker, Docker Compose and a Deployment Group agent. The deployment group agent will be used to stop the build agent containers, pull a new verison of the build agent image and then start them up again.

Here is the deployment process in Azure Pipelines:


The process work like this:

  1. The image version is updating by modifying the .env file that we defined before with the build number of the current build

  2. We run Docker login to authenticate to the container registry where we have the build agent container image. In this case we are using Azure Container Reigstry, but any registry will do

  3. The new version of the image is then pulled from the registry. This can take a while (Windows Containers are big) but usually only a few small layers need to be pulled after you have pulled the initial image the first time

  4. When we have the new image locally, we shut down the agents by running docker-compose down

  5. And finally, we start the agents up again by running docker-compose up –d

Deployment groups are powerful in that they let you specify how to roll out new deployments oacross multiple servers.

If you do not want to restart all of your build agents at the same time, you can specify thise in the settings of the deployment group job:


Note: One thing that is not handled by this process is graceful shutdown, e.g. if a build is currently running it will be stopped when shutting down the agents. It would be fully possible to utilize the Azure Pipelines API to first disable all agents (to prevent new builds from starting) and then wat until any currently running builds have finished, before shutting them down. I just haven’t done that yet Smile

Hopefully this post was helpful if you want to run Windoes Continaer build agents for Azure Pipelines on your servers!