Running .NET Core Unit Tests with Docker and Azure Pipelines

Using Docker for compiling your code is great since that guarantees a consistent behaviour regardless of where you are building your code. No matter if it’s on the local dev machine or on a build server somewhere. It also reduces the need of installing any dependencies just to make the code compile. The only thing that you need to install is Docker!

When you create a ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio and add Docker support for it you will get a Docker file that looks something like this:

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base 

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk AS build 
COPY ["WebApplication1/WebApplication1.csproj", "WebApplication1/"] 
RUN dotnet restore "WebApplication1/WebApplication1.csproj" 
COPY . . 
WORKDIR "/src/WebApplication1" 
RUN dotnet build "WebApplication1.csproj" -c Release -o /app 

FROM build AS publish 
RUN dotnet publish "WebApplication1.csproj" -c Release -o /app 

FROM base AS final 
COPY --from=publish /app . 
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "WebApplication1.dll"]

This is an example of a multistage Docker build. The first stage is based on the .NET Core SDK Docker image in which the code is restored, built and published. The second phase uses the smaller .NET Core runtime Docker image, to which the generated artifacts from the first phase is copied into.

The result is a smaller Docker image that will be pushed to a Docker registry and later on deployed to test- and production environments. Smaller images means faster download and startup times. Since it doesn’t contain as many SDKs etc, it also means that  the surface area for security holes is much smaller.

Now, this will compile just fine locally, and settting a build definition in Azure Pipelines is easy-peasy. Using the default Docker container build pipeline template, results in a build like this:


But, we want to run unit tests also, and then publish the test results back to Azure DevOps. How can we do this?

Run Unit Tests in Docker

First of all we need to build and run the tests inside the container, so we need to extend the Docker file. In this sample, I have added a XUnit test project called WebApplication1.UnitTests.

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base 

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk AS build 
COPY ["WebApplication1/WebApplication1.csproj", "WebApplication1/"] 
COPY ["WebApplication1.UnitTests/WebApplication1.UnitTests.csproj", "WebApplication1.UnitTests/"] 
RUN dotnet restore "WebApplication1/WebApplication1.csproj" 
RUN dotnet restore "WebApplication1.UnitTests/WebApplication1.UnitTests.csproj" 
COPY . . 
RUN dotnet build "WebApplication1/WebApplication1.csproj" -c Release -o /app 
RUN dotnet build "WebApplication1.UnitTests/WebApplication1.UnitTests.csproj" -c Release -o /app 

RUN dotnet test "WebApplication1.UnitTests/WebApplication1.UnitTests.csproj" --logger "trx;LogFileName=webapplication1.trx" 

FROM build AS publish 
RUN dotnet publish "WebApplication1.csproj" -c Release -o /app 

FROM base AS final 
COPY --from=publish /app . 
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "WebApplication1.dll"]

Now we are also restoring and compiling the test project, and then we run dotnet test to run the unit tests. To be able to publish the unit test results to Azure DevOps, we are using the –logger parameter which instructs dotnet to output a TRX file.

Now comes the tricky part. When we run these tests as part of a build, the results end up inside the container. To publish the test results we need to access the results from outside the container. Docker volumes will not help us here, since we aren’t running the container, we are building it. Docker volumes are not supported when building a container.

Instead we will add another task to our build definition that will use scripts to build the image, including running the unit tests, and the copiying the test results file from the container to a folder on the build server. We use the Docker Copy command to do this:

docker build -f ./WebApplication1/Dockerfile --target build -t webapplication1:$(build.buildid) . 
docker create -ti --name testcontainer webapplication1:$(build.buildid) 
docker cp testcontainer:/src/WebApplication1.UnitTests/TestResults/ $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/testresults 
docker rm -fv testcontainer

Here we first build the image by using docker build. By using the –target parameter it will only execute the first phase of the build (there is no meaning to continue if the tests are failing). To access the file inside the container, we use docker create which is a way to create and configure a container before actually starting it. In this case we don’t need to start it, just use docker cp to extract the test result files to the host.

Now we will have the TRX test results file in the artifact folder on the build server, which means we can just add a Publish Test Results task to our build definition:


And voila, running the build now runs the unit tests and we can see the test results in the build summary as expected:


Meet Azure DevOps – formerly known as VSTS

Today Microsoft announced Azure DevOps, which is partly a rebranding of the existing Visual Studio Team Services but also has some exciting news.

The gist of the rebranding is that Azure DevOps is now a suite of service, where each service cna be acquired and used separately from the other ones. If you only want to use source control (and use some other CI/CD system) that’s fine.

Do you have your code over at GitHub and want to use the CI/CD services in Azure DevOps? Works perfectly! By breaking the whole suite down into smaller services, it will make it easier for customers to find the best fit for their needs, without having to invest in the whole suite. Of course, you will still be able to easily get the whole suite when creating new accounts.

The new services as of today are (from the link above):

Azure Pipelines Azure Pipelines

CI/CD that works with any language, platform, and cloud. Connect to GitHub or any Git repository and deploy continuously.

NB: This also includes a very generous offering targeted towards Open Source projects, where you get unlimited build minutes and 10 parallell build jobs

Azure Boards Azure Boards

Powerful work tracking with Kanban boards, backlogs, team dashboards, and custom reporting.

Azure Artifacts Azure Artifacts

Maven, npm, and NuGet package feeds from public and private sources.

Azure Repos Azure Repos

Unlimited cloud-hosted private Git repos for your project. Collaborative pull requests, advanced file management, and more.

Azure Test Plans Azure Test Plans

All in one planned and exploratory testing solution.

A Deep Dive into continuous delivery and Microservices on Azure

In March, Mathias Olausson and I will run two fullday deep dive in continuous delivery and microservices on Azure.

During the day you will learn about microservice architecture and how to build and deploy these using container technology and cloud services in Microsoft Azure.

The agenda looks like this:

  • Microservices architecture
    • Design principles
    • Breaking up the monolith
  • Implementing trunk based development practices with Visual Studio Team Services
    • Feature flags
    • Pull requests
    • Branch/Build policies
  • Using container techonologies for packaging and delivering applications with zero downtime
    • Docker for Windows
    • Kubernetes
    • Azure Container registry
    • Azure Container Services (AKS)

  • Deployment pipelines with Visual Studio Team Services
    • Build automation
    • Release management

Read more about the course here, and sign up:

Hope to see you either in Gothenburg or in Stockholm!

Deploying ARM Templates using Visual Studio Team Services

If you are running your applications in Azure, and in particular on PaaS, you need to take a look ARM templates as a way to manage your environments. ARM templates let’s you define and deploy your entire environment using JSON files that you store together with the rest of your source code. The deployment of ARM templates are idempotent, meaning that you can run them many times and it will always produce the same result.

Image result for azure ARM templates

In this post, I will how you how to deploy ARM templates together with your application using Visual Studio Team Services. As you will see, I will not use the out of the box task for doing this, since it has some limitations. Instead we will use a PowerShell script to eexecute the deployment of an ARM template.


The overall steps are:

  • Defining our ARM template for our environment.
  • Tokenize the ARM template parameters file
  • Create a PowerShell script that deploys the ARM template
  • Deploy everything from a VSTS release definition.

Let’s get started with the ARM template.

ARM Template

In this case, I will deploy an ARM template consisting of a Azure web app, a SQL Server + database and a Redis Cache. The web app and sql resources are easy to deploy, since we can supply all the input from my release definition.
With the Redis cache however, Azure Resource Manager will create some information (such as the primarykey) as part of the deployment, which means we need to read this information from the output of the ARM template deployment.

Here is the outline of our ARM template:



Note the outputs section that is selected above, here we define what output we want to capture once the reource group has been deployed. In this case, I have defined three output variables:

  • redis_host
    The fully qualified edish host name
  • redis_port
    The secure port that will be used to communicate with the cache
  • redis_primatykey
    The access key that we will use to authenticate

Since our web application will communicate with the Redis cache, we need to fetch this information from the ARM template deployment and store them in our web.cofig file. You will see later on how this can be done.

Learn more about authoring ARM templates here:


ARM Template Tokenization

When deploying our template in different environments (dev, test, prod…) we need to supply the information specific to those environment. In VSTS Release Management, the information is stored using environment variables.
A common solution is to tokenize the files that is needed for deployment and then replace these tokens with the corresponding environment variable.

To do this, we add a separate parameters file for the template that contains all the parameters but all the values are replaces with tokens:

    “$schema”: “”,
    “contentVersion”: “”,
  “parameters”: {
    “hostingPlanName”: {
      “value”: “__HOSTINGPLANNAME__”
    “administratorLogin”: {
      “value”: “__ADMINISTRATORLOGIN__”
    “administratorLoginPassword”: {
    “databaseName”: {
      “value”: “__DATABASENAME__”
    “webSiteName”: {
      “value”: “__WEBAPPNAME__”
    “sqlServerName”: {
      “value”: “__SQLSERVERNAME__”
    “dictionaryName”: {
    “extranetName”: {
      “value”: “__DATABASENAMEEXTRANET__”
    “instanceCacheName”: {
      “value”: “__INSTANCECACHENAME__”


We wil then replace these tokens just before the template is deployed.

PowerShell script

There is an existing task for creating and updating ARM templates, called Azure Resource Group Deployment. This task let’s us point to an existing ARM template and the corresponding parameter file.

Here is an example how how this task is typically used:




The problem with this task is that it has very limited support for output parameters. As you can see in the image above, you can map a variable to the output called Resource Group. Unfortunately there is an assumption that the resource group that you are creating contains virtual machines. If you execute this task with an ARM template containing for example an Azure Web App you will get the following error when trying to map the output to a variable:


2017-01-23T09:09:49.8436157Z ##[error]The ‘Get-AzureVM’ command was found in the module ‘Azure’, but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run ‘Import-Module Azure’.

So, to be able to read our output values we need to use PowerShell instead, which is arguably a better choice anyway since it allows you to run and test the deployment locally,  saving you a lot of time.

When we create an Azure Resource Group project in Visual Studio, we get a PowerShell script that we can use as a starting point.




Most part of this script handles the case where we need to upload artifacts as part of the resource group deployment. In this case we don’t need this, we deploy all our artifacts from RM after the resource group has been deployed.

Here is our PowerShell script that we will use to deploy the template:

#Requires -Version 3.0
#Requires -Module AzureRM.Resources
#Requires -Module Azure.Storage

    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ResourceGroupLocation,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ResourceGroupName,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $TemplateFile,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $TemplateParametersFile

Import-Module Azure -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

try {
    [Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::ClientFactory.AddUserAgent(“VSAzureTools-$UI$($”.replace(” “,”_”), “2.9”)
} catch { }

Set-StrictMode -Version 3

$TemplateFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $TemplateFile))
$TemplateParametersFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $TemplateParametersFile))

# Create or update the resource group using the specified template file and template parameters file
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $ResourceGroupLocation -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction Stop

$output = (New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name ((Get-ChildItem $TemplateFile).BaseName + ‘-‘ + ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString(‘MMdd-HHmm’)) `
                                   -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
                                   -TemplateFile $TemplateFile `
                                   -TemplateParameterFile $TemplateParametersFile -Force -Verbose)

Write-Output (“##vso[task.setvariable variable=REDISSERVER]” + $output.Outputs[‘redis_host’].Value)
Write-Output (“##vso[task.setvariable variable=REDISPORT]” + $output.Outputs[‘redis_port’].Value)
Write-Output (“##vso[task.setvariable variable=REDISPASSWORD;issecret=true]” + $output.Outputs[‘redis_primarykey’].Value)

The special part of this script is the last three lines. Here, we read the output variables that we defined in the ARM template and then we use one of the VSTS logging commands to map these into variables that we can use in our release definition.

The syntax of the SetVariable logging command is ##vso[task.setvariable variable=NAME]<VARIABLEVALUE>. 


Note: You can read more about these commands at


Release Definition

Finally we can put all of this together by creating a release definition that deploys the ARM template.

: You will of course need to create a build definition that packages your scripts, ARM templates and deployment artifacts. I won’t show this here, but just reference the outputs from an existing build definition.


Here is what the release definition will look like:



Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Replace tokens
    Here we replace the tokens in our parameters.json file that we definied earlier. There are several tasks in the marketplace for doing token replacement, I’m using the one from Guillaume Rouchon (
  2. Deploy Azure environment
    Run the PowerShell scipt using the Azure PowerShell task. This task handles the connection to Azure, so we don’t have to think about that.


    Here I reference the PowerShell script from the build output artifacts, and also I supply the necessary parameters to the PS script:

    Script Arguments
    -ResourceGroupLocation “$(resourceGroupLocation)” -ResourceGroupName $(resourceGroupName) -TemplateFile “$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/SampleApp.CI/environment/templates/sampleapp.json” -TemplateParametersFile “$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/SampleApp.CI/environment/templates/sampleapp.parameters.json”

  3. Replace tokens
    Now we need to update the tokens in our SetParameters file, that is used by web deploy. It is important that we run this task after running the deploy azure enviroment script, since we need the output variables from the resource group deployment. Remember, these variables are now available as environment variables, so they will be inserted in the same way as the variables that we have defined manually.

  4. Deploy Web app + Deploy SQL Database
    These steps just performs a simple deployment of an Azure Web App and a SQL dacpac deployment.


That’s it, happy deployment! Smile

New Swedish Meetup Group for Microsoft ALM and DevOps

We have decided that it is time to create a meetup group for people that are interested in the Microsoft ALM and DevOps story!



Together with Mathias Olausson and a few other people we have created a new Meetup group and announced the first meeting.

Our plan is to continue meeting every month or so to learn about and dicuss new concept and ideas in the area of ALRM and DevOps on the Microsoft stack. This is a wide area, which spans all roles in the development process,
so there will be something for everyone.


First meetup: Microsoft Team Services Agile Transformation Story + VS ALM Update

The first meeting is set to October 25th, where we will have Jose Rady Allende, a Program Manager on the Visual Studio Team Services tean, join us online to talk about the Microsoft Team Service Agile Transformation story.
We’ll also going to have a few lightning talks where we will talk about recent new additions to the TFS/VSTS platform

Meeting link:


There are already around 25 people that have signed up for it, so sign up before it gets full!


Heop to see you there!


Image result for donovan brown devops

Using Web Deploy in Visual Studio Team Services Release Management

This post does not really cover something new, but since I find myself explain this to people now and then, I thought that I’d write a quick post on the subject.

So, we want to create a web deploy package as part of our automated build, and then take this package and deploy it to multiple environments, where each environment can have different configuration settings, using VSTS Release Management. Since we only want to build our package once, we have to apply the environment specific settings at deployment time, which means we will use Web Deploy parameters.


Here are the overall steps needed:

  1. – Create a parameters.xml file in your web project
  2. – Create a publish profile for the web deploy package
  3. – Set up a VSTS build creates the web deploy package, and uploads the package to the server
  4. – Create a Release definition in VSTS that consumes the web deploy package
  5. – In each RM environment, replaces the tokens in the SetParameters file

Let’s run through these steps in detail:

Create a parameters.xml file

As you will see later on, a publish profile contains configurable settings for the web site name and any connection strings,that will end up in the *.SetParameters.xml file that is used when at deployment time. But in order for other configuration settings, like appSettings, to end up in this file, you need to define these settings. This is done by creating a file called parameters.xml in the root of your web application.

Tip: A fellow MVP, Richard Fennell,  has created a nifty Visual Studio extension that simplifies the process of creating the parameters.xml file. It will look at your web.config file and the create a parameters.xml file with all the settings that it finds.



In this case, I have three application settings in the web.config file, so I end up with this parameters.xml file. Note that I have set the defaultvalue attribute for all parameters to __TOKEN__. These are the configuration values that will end up in the MyApp.SetParameters.xml file, together with the web deployment package. We will replaced these values at deployment time, by a task in our release definition.

<parameters> <parameter name="IsDevelopment" description="Description for IsDevelopment" defaultvalue="__ISDEVELOPMENT__" tags=""> <parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web.config$" match="/configuration/applicationSettings/MyApp.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='IsDevelopment']/value/text()" /> </parameter> <parameter name="WebApiBaseUrl" description="Description for WebApiBaseUrl" defaultvalue="__WEBAPIBASEURL__" tags=""> <parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web.config$" match="/configuration/applicationSettings/MyApp.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='WebApiBaseUrl']/value/text()" /> </parameter> <parameter name="SearchFilterDelta" description="Description for SearchFilterDelta" defaultvalue="__SEARCHFILTERDELTA__" tags=""> <parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web.config$" match="/configuration/applicationSettings/MyApp.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='SearchFilterDelta']/value/text()" /> </parameter> </parameters>

Creating a Publish Profile

Now, let’s create a publish profile that define how the web deployment package should be created. Right-click on the web application project and then select Publish. Then select the Custom option:



Since the publish profile will be used to create a web deployment package, I like to call it CreatePackage (but you are of course free to call it whatever you want)


On the Connection tab, select Web Deploy Package as the publish method, then give the generated package a name (including .zip).

As the Web Site name, we enter a tokenized value __WEBSITE__. This token will also end up in the MyApp.SetParameters.xml file.


Save the publish profile and commit and push your changes. Now it’s time to create a build definition.


Create a Build Definition that generates a web deploy package

I won’t go through all the details of creating a build definition in VSTS, but just focus on the relevant parts for this blog post.

To generate a web deploy package, we need to pass some magic MSBuild parameters as part of the Visual Studio build task. Since we have a publish profile that contains our settings, we need to refer to this file. We also want to specify where the resulting files should be placed.

Enter the following string in the MSBuild Arguments field:

/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=CreatePackage /p:PackageLocation=$(build.stagingDirectory)



DeployOnBuild=true is required to trigger the web deployment publishing process, and the we use the PackageLocation property to specify that the output should be places in the staging directory of the build. This will make it easy to upload the artifacts at the end of the build, like so:



This will generate an artifact called drop in the build that contains all files needed to deploy this application using MSDeploy:


As you can see, we have all the generated web deploy files here. We will use three of them: – The web deploy package

MyApp.SetParameters.xml – The parameterization file that contains our tokenized parameters

MyApp.Deploy.cmd – A command file that simplifies running MSDeploy with the correct parameters


Creating a Release Definition

Finally, we will create a release definition that deploys this web deploy package to two different environments, let’s call them Test and Prod. In each environment we need to apply the correct configuration values. To do this, we have to replace the token variables in our MyApp.SetParameters.xml file.

There is no out of the box task to do this currently, but there are already several of them in the Visual Studio Marketplace. Here, I will use the Replace Tokens task from Guillaume Rochon, available at Install it to your Visual Studio Team Services account, and then the task will be available in the build/release task catalog, in the Utility category:




Each environment in the release definition will just contain two tasks, the first one for the token replacement and the other one for deploying the web deploy package. To do this, we just run the MyApp.deploy.cmd file that was generated by the build. Since the parameters have already been set with the correct values, we can just run this without any extra arguments.



Also, we must specify the values for each variable in the environment. Right click on the environment and the add these variables:



Tip: Create the Test environment first with all variables and tasks. Once it’s done, use the Clone environment feature to create a Prod environment, and then just replace the configuration values


That’s it, now you can run the release and it will deploy your web application with the correct configuration to each environment.







Talking Visual Studio ALM Extensibility at DevSum16

Last year I had a great time speaking at the DevSum conference, the biggest .NET developer conference in Sweden. Back then, I talked about moving your development to the cloud using Visual Studio Team Services. Active Solution, where I work, was a gold partner for this event and in addition to me my colleagues Alan Smith and Peter Örneholm also spoke at the conference. We had a lot of fun in our booth showing the Lego robots running on Raspberry PIs, connected to Azure for movement control and result collection.

This year I had the fortune to be selected again to speak at DevSum16, and this time I will talk about the different options around integration and extensibility of the Visual Studio ALM platform. This means that I will talk about things like Service Hooks, OAuth, REST API and UI extensibility among other things.


Here is the session description (, hope to see you there!

Don’t be locked in – Integrate and Extend the Visual Studio ALM Platform

The days when you used one tool chain for all your development are long gone. Developing modern applications today often requires a variety of tools, both 3rd party tools and services

but also homegrown systems are often used as part of the process. In the new era of Microsoft the term “Open ALM” is key, focusing on trying to build best in breed tools for software development companies, but at the same time make sure that it is open and extensible.


In this session we will look at the different options for integrating and extending Visual Studio TFS and Team Services. We will look at:

  • Using Service Hooks to automate workflows with other services such as Trello, GitHub and Jenkins.
  • Utilizing the REST API to automate processes in TFS
  • Extending the Web UI itself with custom extensions, from simple context menus to full-fledged custom pages and hubs. We will also look at how we can publish these extensions
    to the new Visual Studio Marketplace

Publish a GitHub Release from Visual Studio Team Services

The new build system in Team Foundation Server 2015 and Visual Studio Team Services has from the start made it very easy to integrate with GitHub. This integration allows you to create a build in TFS/VSTS that fetches the source code from a GitHub repository. I have blogged about this integration before, at


Publisinh a GitHubRelease from VSTS

This integration allows you to use GitHub for source code, but use the powerful build system in TFS/VSTS to run your automated builds. But, when maintaining the project at GitHub you often want to publish your releases there as well, with the output from your build.

To make this easy, I have developed a custom build task lets you publish your build artifacts into a release at GitHub.

The task is available over at the new Visual Studio Marketplace, you can find the extension here:



To use it, just press the Install button and select the VSTS account where you want to install it. After this, the Publish GitHub Release build task will be available in your build task catalog, in the Deploy category.



From Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 2, it is possible to install the extensions from the VS Marketplace on premise. To do so, use the Download button and follow the instructions.


After adding the build task to a build definition, you need to configure a few parameters:


These parameters are:

  • Application Name
    You can use any name here, this is what is sent to the GitHub API in the request header.
  • Token
    Your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT). For more information about GitHub tokens, please see

    Repository Name
    The name of the repository where the release should be created

  • Owner
    The GitHub account of the owner of the release
  • Tag Name
  • A unique tag for the release. Often it makes sense to include the build number here
  • Release Name
    The name of the release. Also, including the build number here can make sense
  • Draft
    Enable this to create a draft release
  • Prerelease
    Enable this to create a prerelease

    Assets to upload
    Specified which files that should be included in the GitHub release


Hope that you will find this extension useful, if you find bugs or have feature suggestions, please report them on the GitHub site at

TFS 2015 Update 2 RC1 Available – With VS Release Management vNext

Today Brian Harry announced that the first release of TFS 2015 Update 2 is available. It is an RC with a go-live license, which means that Microsoft will support you if you install it in production, and it will be a direct supported upgrade to RTM once it is released.

Read the full release notes for Update 2 RC1 here:


One huge thing with the release is that Update 2 includes the new Release Management vNext feature that has up until now only been available in the service (although you can use that for on premise TFS and deployments). But now you don’t have to rely on VSTS for hosting the service, it is now part of TFS 2015 Update 2!


And of course, if you want to learn (a lot) more about hwo to implement continuous delivery using TFS 2015, with the new build and release management features, grab a copy of our latest book on the topic, Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM 2015:



Deploy On Premise Builds with Visual Studio Release Management vNext

Microsoft’s new version of Visual Studio Release Management is currently in public preview in VSTS. It is currently targeted for the TFS 2015 Update 2 version that should be shipped later this spring.

However, even if you are not all in on Visual Studio Team Services, you can still use this service! Since the build/release agents that are used can run on premise without any necessary firewall ports being opened inbound, you have full access to any internal TFS servers and application servers that you want to deploy to.


The following image illustrates the different components involved here.



As you can see everything is running on premise, except Visual Studio Team Services of course. Since the release agent is also running on premise, it can connect to the on premise TFS and download the build artifacts, and it can access the on premise application servers and deploy the artifacts.


Lets’s walk through how you can use Visual Studio Release Management today to deploy builds from your on premise TFS build server to an on premise web server.

Creating the Release Definition

  1. I’m not going to walk through how to create a build definition in TFS, there are plenty of documentation on that. Let’s just look at the artifacts of the build that we will deploy:


  2. Nothing special here, this is the standard output from a build that runs msdeploy to create web deploy packages.
  3. Now, to be able to consume the build artifacts from a release definition, we need to setup a service endpoint for the TFS server. In the new build and release management system, service endpoints are a fundamental concept. They encapsulate the information, including credentials, that is needed to integrate with an external system. Example of service endpoints include Azure subscriptions, Jenkins build servers and Chef servers. In addition we can create Generic service endpoints, which contains a server URL and a user name and a password. This is what we will use here.
  4. Service endpoints also have there own security groups, which means that we can for example make sure that only certain people can use a service endpoint that points to the production Azure subscription

    Service points are scoped to the team project level, and are available on a separate tab on the admin page. In this case, we will create a Team Build endpoint, where we supply the URL of the TFS server and the necessary credentials for it:


  5. With the service endpoint done, we can move on to create a release definition. In this example, I will define two environments, Dev and Prod that will just point to two different web sites on the same server.


    As you can see, I only have two tasks in each environment. The first task is a custom task that replaces any tokens found in the files that matches the supplied pattern.. This lets me apply environment specific values during the build. In this case, I will update the *.SetParameter.xml file that is used together with web deploy.

    Also, I use the configuration functionality to supply the machine name of the web server and the name of the web site that I will deploy this to. As you can see below, I will deploy both dev and production to the same server, but to different web sites. Not entirely realistic, but you should get the idea here. You can see that I use the variable $(webSite) in the task above, where I run the generated web deploy command file.


  6. Now, the part that is different here compared to a standard release definition is the linking of artifacts. Here we will select “Team Build (external)”, which in this context mean any TFS server that is defined as a service endpoint. In the Service dropdown we select the service endpoint that we created earlier (TFS).We also need to supply the name of the team project and the name of the build definition, as shown below.


    1. NOTE
      : When linking to an external build like this, we do it by name. This means that if you change the name of the build definition or the team project, you will have to change this artifact definition.
  7. Now we can save the release definition and start a release. A big difference compared to when you have linked to a VSTS build is that RM won’t locate the existing builds for you, so you have to supply the build number yourself of the build that you want to release.
  8. image
  9. When the release has finished we can see that the selected build version ( has been deployed to both environments:
  10. image



As you can see, there is nothing that stops you from start using the new version of Visual Studio Release Management, even if you have everything else on premise.